
Holy Grail Torch Coral Care, Tank Setup, Propagation and Diseases

The Holy Grail Torch Coral Care, scientifically known as Euphyllia glabrescens, is a captivating and highly coveted addition to any reef aquarium. Its stunning appearance and graceful swaying tentacles make it a favorite among coral enthusiasts.

However, successfully caring for this coral requires a deep understanding of its needs and habitat. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into every aspect of Holy Grail Torch Coral care, ensuring that your coral thrives in your aquarium.

Holy Grail Torch Coral

What is a Holy Grail Torch Coral?

The Holy Grail Torch Coral is characterized by its long, flowing tentacles that resemble the flames of a torch, hence its name. These tentacles can come in a variety of vibrant colors, including shades of green, yellow, orange, and pink. The coral’s polyps extend from its skeleton during the day to capture plankton and other small organisms from the water, retracting at night.

The Holy Grail Torch Coral, scientifically known as Euphyllia glabrescens, is a mesmerizing and sought-after species of coral that is highly prized by aquarium enthusiasts. This coral species belongs to the Euphylliidae family and is known for its striking appearance and relative hardiness in suitable aquarium conditions.

Quick Facts and Key Takeaways

Holy Grail Torch Coral (Euphyllia glabrescens) is a popular Large Polyp Stony (LPS) coral in the aquarium hobby due to its striking appearance and relative ease of care. Here are some quick facts and key takeaways about this coral:

Common NameHoly Grail Torch Coral
Scientific NameEuphyllia glabrescens
OriginIndo-Pacific region
Care LevelModerate
Water FlowMedium
TemperamentModerately aggressive
Growth RateModerate
NutritionPhotosynthetic, with supplemental feeding recommended
FraggingRegular fragging may be necessary to control growth

Overall, Holy Grail Torch Coral is a beautiful and rewarding addition to a reef aquarium, but it does require some attention and care to thrive. With proper placement, lighting, and feeding, this coral can be a stunning centerpiece in any aquarium.

Quick Facts and Key Takeaways
Quick Facts and Key Takeaways

Physical Characteristics of Holy Grail Torch Coral

Holy Grail Torch Coral, also known as Euphyllia glabrescens, is a beautiful and popular species of coral in the aquarium hobby. This coral has a distinctive appearance that makes it easy to identify.

The tentacles of the Holy Grail Torch Coral are yellow with light blue tips. The mouth of the coral has neon green coloration, but there should be no green coloration in the tentacles. The coral’s skeleton is usually brown or tan in color and has a branching structure.

Holy Grail Torch Coral is a large polyp stony (LPS) coral that can grow up to 12 inches in diameter. It has a moderate growth rate and can grow in a variety of lighting conditions, although it prefers medium light.

This coral is also known for its aggressive behavior. It has long sweeper tentacles that can extend several inches from its base and sting nearby corals. It is important to give the Holy Grail Torch Coral plenty of space in the aquarium to prevent it from damaging other corals.

In terms of water parameters, the Holy Grail Torch Coral requires calcium levels of 420-440 ppm, alkalinity levels of 2.86-3.93 MEQ/L (8-11 dKH), and magnesium levels of 1260-1350 ppm. It prefers medium water flow and moderate lighting conditions.

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Habitat and Distribution

Holy Grail Torch Coral (Euphyllia glabrescens) is a popular species of LPS (Large Polyp Stony) coral that can be found in the Indo-Pacific region. They are mostly found in shallow reef environments, usually at depths between 3 to 30 meters. The coral prefers to grow in areas with moderate to high water flow and moderate to high light intensity.

In the wild, Holy Grail Torch Coral can be found in various colors, including green, brown, and yellow. Their tentacles have a unique coloration, with yellow tentacles and light blue tips. The mouth of the coral should have neon green coloration. The coral’s tentacles should not have any green coloration.

Holy Grail Torch Coral is widely distributed throughout the Indo-Pacific region, including the Red Sea, the Maldives, Indonesia, and Australia. They are often found in large colonies and can be seen growing on rocks, coral rubble, and other hard substrates.

Due to their popularity in the aquarium trade, Holy Grail Torch Coral is also commonly cultured in captivity. They are relatively easy to maintain and can thrive in a well-maintained reef aquarium with proper water parameters.

Aquarium Requirements

Holy Grail Torch Coral is a beautiful coral that can be a great addition to your reef aquarium. However, to keep it healthy and thriving, you need to provide it with the right environment.

Here are the aquarium requirements for Holy Grail Torch Coral:

Water Parameters

Holy Grail Torch Coral requires typical reef aquarium water parameters, including a temperature around 75°F – 80°F (24°C – 27°C), a specific gravity of about 1.023 – 1.025, a pH of about 8.1 – 8.4, and a calcium level of around 420 – 440 ppm. It is also important to keep the nitrate and phosphate levels low, as high levels of these can harm the coral.


Holy Grail Torch Coral requires moderate to high lighting. LED lights are a good choice for this coral, as they can provide the right spectrum and intensity of light. The recommended PAR level for Holy Grail Torch Coral is between 150 – 250.

Water Flow

Like most large polyp stony (LPS) corals, Holy Grail Torch Coral benefits from moderate water flow. This can help to deliver nutrients and oxygen to the coral, as well as remove waste products. However, excessive water flow can damage the coral, so it is important to strike a balance.


Holy Grail Torch Coral is a photosynthetic coral, which means that it gets most of its energy from the light. However, it also requires supplemental feeding. You can feed it with small pieces of meaty foods, such as brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, and krill. It is important not to overfeed the coral, as this can lead to poor water quality and harm the coral.

Feeding and Nutrition

Feeding and Nutrition
Feeding and Nutrition

Holy Grail Torch Euphyllia is a photosynthetic coral, which means that it can produce its food through photosynthesis. However, it still requires supplemental feeding to ensure its optimal growth and health.

The coral feeds on a variety of small organisms, including plankton, brine shrimp, and mysis shrimp. It is essential to provide a well-balanced diet that includes all the necessary nutrients. Feeding the coral two to three times a week is recommended, but it is essential not to overfeed the coral as it can lead to poor water quality.

When feeding the coral, it is best to turn off the pumps to reduce the flow. This allows the coral to catch the food with its long tentacles. It is also recommended to target feed the coral by using a pipette or turkey baster to deliver the food directly to the coral’s mouth.

In addition to feeding, it is also crucial to maintain proper water quality. The coral requires stable water parameters, including temperature, salinity, and pH, to grow and thrive. It is recommended to perform regular water changes and test the water regularly to ensure it is within the appropriate range.

Propagation of Holy Grail Torch Coral

Holy Grail Torch Coral
Holy Grail Torch Coral

Propagation of Holy Grail Torch Coral is a popular practice in the aquarium hobby. Fragging and propagating the coral is a way to create new colonies and share the beauty of this coral with others.

To propagate Holy Grail Torch Coral, the first step is to prepare the coral for fragging. This involves removing the coral from the aquarium and placing it in a container of aquarium water. The coral should be allowed to acclimate to the new environment for at least 30 minutes before fragging.

Once the coral is ready, the next step is to frag it. The coral can be fragged using a bone cutter or a frag saw. It is important to make clean cuts to avoid damaging the coral. The cut should be made at the base of the coral, leaving a small amount of tissue on the mother colony.

After fragging, the coral should be dipped in a coral dip to remove any pests or parasites. The coral should be allowed to dry before being glued onto a frag plug or a piece of live rock. The frag should be placed in an area with moderate to high flow and moderate lighting.

Propagation of Holy Grail Torch Coral requires patience and attention to detail. It is important to monitor the frag for signs of stress or disease. With proper care, the Holy Grail Torch Coral can grow into a beautiful and healthy colony.

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Common Issues and Solutions

Like any coral, the Holy Grail Torch can encounter some issues that may affect its health and growth. Here are some common issues and solutions to help ensure the success of your Holy Grail Torch:

Common Issues and Solutions
Common Issues and Solutions

Issue: Receding or Discolored Tissue

If you notice the tissue on your Holy Grail Torch is receding or changing color, it may be a sign of stress. This can be caused by a number of factors, including improper water parameters, inadequate lighting, or pests.

Solution: Check Water Parameters and Lighting

Test your water parameters and make sure they are within the optimal range for the Holy Grail Torch. This includes maintaining a calcium level between 420-440 ppm and an alkalinity level between 8-11 dKH. Ensure that your lighting is strong enough to support the coral’s needs. If you suspect pests, inspect the coral closely and take appropriate action.

Issue: Bleaching

Bleaching occurs when the coral expels its zooxanthellae, causing it to turn white. This can be caused by sudden changes in water temperature or lighting.

Solution: Adjust Lighting and Temperature

If you suspect bleaching, adjust the lighting and temperature of your tank. Gradually acclimate the coral to any changes to prevent further stress.

Issue: Algae Overgrowth

Algae overgrowth can smother the Holy Grail Torch and prevent it from receiving adequate light and nutrients.

Solution: Control Algae Growth

Control algae growth by reducing nutrient levels in the water, increasing water flow, and performing regular water changes. You can also manually remove algae from the coral using a soft-bristled brush or tweezers.

By addressing these common issues and implementing the appropriate solutions, you can help ensure the health and longevity of your Holy Grail Torch coral.

Buying Guide

When it comes to buying a Holy Grail Torch coral, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure that you are getting the best product for your money. Here are some key features to consider when making your purchase:


The size of the coral is an important factor to consider. Holy Grail Torch corals can vary in size, and it’s important to choose a size that will fit well in your aquarium. Be sure to measure the space where you plan to place the coral and choose a size that will fit comfortably.


One of the most appealing aspects of the Holy Grail Torch coral is its vibrant color. When choosing a coral, pay attention to the color of the tentacles and the overall brightness of the coral. Look for a coral that has a consistent color throughout and avoid any that appear dull or faded.


It’s important to choose a healthy coral to ensure that it will thrive in your aquarium. Look for a coral that has a healthy, full appearance with no signs of damage or disease. Avoid any corals that have dead or decaying tissue, as this can be a sign of poor health.


The price of Holy Grail Torch corals can vary depending on the size, color, and health of the coral. It’s important to set a budget before making your purchase and stick to it. Keep in mind that cheaper corals may not be as healthy or vibrant as more expensive ones, so it’s important to balance price with quality.


If you are purchasing a Holy Grail Torch coral online, be sure to choose a reputable seller that offers safe and secure shipping. Look for a seller that uses insulated packaging and overnight shipping to ensure that your coral arrives healthy and in good condition.

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Price Range

On average, the price range for Holy Grail Torch coral is between $200 and $900 per head. However, it is not uncommon for some specimens to be sold for over $1000. It is important to note that prices can fluctuate depending on the availability of the coral, as well as the demand for it.

When purchasing Holy Grail Torch coral, it is recommended to buy from a reputable vendor who can provide high-quality specimens at a fair price. It is also important to consider the shipping and handling costs, as well as any potential quarantine periods that may be required.

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]

How often should I feed my Holy Grail Torch Coral?

Feed 2-3 times a week, adjusting based on coral response.

Can I keep Holy Grail Torch Corals with other species?

Yes, but ensure they have enough space and avoid aggressive tank mates.

What lighting spectrum is best for Holy Grail Torch Corals?

Mimic natural sunlight with a spectrum of 450-460 nm.

How do I acclimate a new Holy Grail Torch Coral to my tank?

Gradually adjust lighting and water flow over a week to reduce stress.

Are there any natural predators of Holy Grail Torch Corals?

Some fish and invertebrates may nip at the tentacles, so choose tank mates carefully.

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